A small upgrade project is planned for the Musketawa Trail at Ravenna Trailhead parking lot. The Friends of the Musketawa Trail have tentative plans to order materials and complete construction in the Spring of 2020 pending approval from the Michigan DNR. The project will include a concrete slab with a handicap access picnic table and a bike repair station. This will replace the “aging” handicap wood decking and table currently in place. The Friends group upgraded the three (3) existing, non-moveable picnic tables in an upgrade project last Fall (2019).
The upgrade is planned to include steel bollards (posts) to help separate the slab from the parking lot surface. It is also planned to include two (2) handicap parking spaces with appropriate markings and an area for “no parking” that will allow easy access to the slab from the paved parking surface.
The current estimated cost for the project is $5500. The Friends of the Musketawa Trail is currently seeking donations to help offset the cost of the project. Donations can be made via our website (www.musketawatrail.com) by clicking on the “Support” tab and selecting “Make a Donation.” Donations should have the text “2020 Ravenna Trailhead Upgrade” in the “Additional Comments” section. The Friends of the Musketawa Trail is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax professional for details on tax deductions and applicability.
We look forward to getting this project underway (hopefully) next year. Thank you for your continued support and we hope everyone continues to enjoy the Musketawa Trail!
Additional project details/info:
RavennaConcretePadProject2020_Layout >>>
HandicapPicnicTable_ExampleInfo >>>
BikeRepairStation_ExampleInfo >>>